Upstate NY has seen a wealth of high end audio gear through the 60's to the millenium, this blog focuses on the gear, dealers,manufacturers, and individuals that gave us our unfair share of exciting and still existent components.Geared mainly to two channel audio,with a strong emphasis on analog.We will be providing many useful links and additional resources.
Really enjoyed reading your blog. I worked for several of the companies you mentioned during the late 70s and early eighties. Your name sounds familiar and I believe I may have met you, but I am honestly unsure. I started my career in Syracuse with Sounds Great. After I left school I was asked to transfer as an assistant manager to the Rochester store. After a few months I was promoted to manager. I stayed in that position for a year and a half when a new regional manager was appointed. Within a few months he alienated many of the store managers and they and I left. I was nearly immediately hired by Bill Kelleher at JB. Ray Van Orman was the manager and Joel Cohen was assistant manager. We also had a terrific repairman named David Minhela.
ReplyDeleteContinued: Stayed there a couple years until I was recruited by Jim Gala to work at Gala Sound.He offered me a larger base salary and commission so I jumped. Bill was a great guy and he was quite upset when I left...I always felt a little guilty. Jim Gala was one of the best bosses I ever worked for. At his store we catered to doctors, lawyers, xerox and kodak executives and professional athletes. I left there after a couple years when I became very ill. I returned to my home town of Cleveland to seek treatment. Those were great years...loved stereo sales. I went on to several other careers and now that I am retired I have returned to part time electronics sales for Best Buy. Once again thanks for writing this blog. If you need any info about the three places I worked please feel free to contact me....Sincerely...Ken Laureno